Who sprints needs a lot of air to breathe.

How would you feel if from now on your week would no longer have Saturdays and Sundays? How long can you last? How high is your productivity in the third or fourth week?

Unfortunately, this is paid far too little attention in agile teams. With agile teams, there is a danger of constantly overtaxing. That’s why I recommend a simple solution for agile teams. Be sure to take a week off between the SPRINTS.

I call this sprint break GAP-WEEK.

We have found that the end of a sprint is the worst time to meet and plan.
Everyone is maximally busy finishing projects and making last-minute decisions to deliver on time.

What you should keep in mind when implementing the GAP-WEEK
The Gap-Week is:

1️⃣ A period without scheduled work
2️⃣ Air your team and you need to breathe
3️⃣ The right time to meet and plan 🗒 The rituals (planning, retro, and demo) are held during the gap week.
🚲 Programmers and designers are free to work on what they want.

As a SCRUM MASTER and PRODUCT OWNER, you have responsibility for both your team and a product. You now know the concept with the GAP-WEEK. Give it a try. What are your three biggest difficulties with the implementation?

If you need more tips on how to optimally implement your GAP-WEEK, feel free to write me a DM.

Have fun 🏄🏽‍♂️

About the Author

Roman Paeske is a hands-on expert in agile product development. He has a broad practical experience in teaching and coaching agile, setting up agile work environments and helping companies build successful and sustainable agile organisations. He is a pragmatic person who fights for practical approaches to agile interpretations.

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